At Back to Life Chiropractic located in Chesterton Indiana, we strive at giving the most scientifically supported and patient specific treatments. Chiropractic is a non-invasive form of healthcare that focuses on hands on treatment to alleviate a specific pain generators.
Doctors of Chiropractic use a detailed history, orthopedic/neurological testing, range of motion, and palpation of joints/muscles to determine an appropriate treatment. Many times chiropractic manipulation is utilized. This can range from very low force techniques in which no cracking or popping is warranted; utilizing activator, drop table, or isolated traction (flexion and distraction) techniques. Depending on the specific case a manual adjustment will be used to help achieve proper biomechanical function of the joint in which a gas is often released (cavitation). This is a controlled adjustment at a specific segment of restriction and most times offers relief. If any concerns arise please let the doctor know and alternative treatment options will be discussed.
We utilize active care (stretching, strengthening) and passive therapies (manual therapy/massage, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, kinesio tape) in which chiropractors have extensive knowledge and training. Our only goal is to get you back to doing the things you want and need to do even if that means going to a different professional to help address any non-responsive issues. We send out for all pertinent information to our referring doctor and get any imaging medically warranted to get to the root of the condition. Our mindset is least to most invasive to get to a solution.