Massage therapy targets issues that are soft tissue in nature via ligament, tendon, and musculature. Muscle spasms and overworked areas of tension can benefit from massage. Massage therapy isn’t just a pampering, luxury treatment. It has legitimate medical properties effective in aiding in pain management, increasing range of motion, and reduction of tight, achy muscles.
Massage also affects the nervous system through the manipulation of soft tissue. The top layers of muscles benefit directly from applied massage because it encourages the free flow of fluids and reduces inflammation build up. Soft tissue treatment helps correct altered biomechanics of the joint by improving the muscles responsible for motion of the joint and directly reducing soft tissue irritation.
Massage therapy can aid in chiropractic care, acting like a warm-up for the body prior to the adjustment. Relief periods last longer when muscle tension is released – tight muscles pull joints out of alignment and result in altered joint biomechanics. Massage therapy addresses that issue directly and oftentimes aides in treatment. In some soft tissue injuries it is the only viable treatment option. In turn, chiropractic care addresses misalignment which gives immediate relief to the soft tissue that massage therapy specifically prioritizes. Soft tissue heals quicker once the joints have been restored to proper position, reducing stresses on the soft tissue.
Benefits of Massage therapy
Reduce Muscular Tension

Increase Range Of Motion

Reduce Pain

Reduce Acute/Chronic Inflammation

Increase Blood Flow/Stimulate Healing


We utilize a variety of manual therapy techniques in the office.
Due to the varying conditions and different patient responses to chiropractic care, one size does not fit all. In the office we utilize a multitude of soft tissue techniques.
- Deep Tissue Massage – The goal of this technique is to loosen tight muscle and is utilized on larger muscle groups to work on the belly of the muscle group. Although this is not always comfortable the entire session, it shouldn’t be painful. If the massage is causing too much pain this causes an automatic tightening of the muscle which lessens clinical outcomes. This aggressive massage technique is occasionally warranted b and does offer excellent results when applied properly.
- Swedish Massage – This lighter, more relaxing, type of massage often involves fluid-like strokes.
- Trigger point therapy – This technique focuses on isolated regions of inflammation and tenderness in skeletal muscle which typically radiate beyond its original border, or even areas of referred pain.
- Tool assisted soft tissue techniques – This technique utilizes a stainless steel tool that combs the area of involvement and works to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia (outside covering of muscle), ligament and tendon sheaths.
Many times at the office we utilize a variety of techniques in the same therapy session and future manual therapy is dictated by an patient’s response to care.